Is The Oldest And Largest Continuing Home Inspection Firm In The Area And Has Been In Operation Since 1988. Our Inspectors Have More Than A Combined 50 Years Of Experience In The Home Inspection Business And Construction.
Licensed Home Inspector, Laboratory Director, Laboratory QA Officer, Owner, and President
EPA Lead Risk Assessor #NY-R-127227-1
NYS Home Inspector Lic. #16000009941
PA DEP Radon Measurement ID #2881
PA DEP Radon Mitigator ID #2100
NYS DEC Pest Tech. T7836528
ASHI ACI #245256
HUD Inspector #V493
AARST/NRPP Radon Measurement #108792RT
AARST/NRPP Radon Mitigation #108793RMT
NYS Asbestos Sampler/Inspector #10-13030
NYS Asbestos Air Tech #10-13030
NYS Asbestos Supervisor #10-13030
NYS Asbestos Project Monitor #10-13030
NYS Mold Assessor MA00207

Are licensed home inspectors and certified members of the American Society of Home Inspectors. Professional Home Inspection Service inspectors are the most experienced in the area and actually train other home inspectors as well as realtors. We are fully insured including business liability, workers compensation, disability insurance, along with Errors & Omissions insurance, which qualifies our firm to inspect in Pennsylvania. We are a PA, DEP and NYS Environmental Certified radon laboratory allowing us to do testing and mitigation in New York State as well as Pennsylvania. Professional Home Inspection is registered as a home improvement contractor in the state of Pennsylvania #PA093159
Ask about our inspectors who have passed the national exam of professional home inspectors.
Professional Home Inspection Service is a company committed to growth. We believe in excellence not only in our own work, but in the tools we provide others to accomplish the same. That is why we are dedicated to providing education services both in Realty and Inspection.
Realty Education
We provide courses and education services to realtors continuing their education on topics pertaining to environmental and inspection issues. Our courses provide a thorough background on what is covered during inspections so realtors can be as prepared and helpful as possible.
Inspector Education
Keith and George both provide educational programs for inspectors from across New York and into Pennsylvania. These seminars cover a variety of topics and are aimed at helping every home inspector who attends be better equipped to inspect your home for any potential issues or dangers. George is President of the New York State Chapter of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists and also provides radon education programs around the state.
We understand the importance of communication in maintaining positive client relationships. That is why we employ a full time Office, Radon, and Inspection staff to ensure we provide you the best, most convenient service. Our office staff is available Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm, to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We are committed to working with each and every client in the most convenient way possible.
Professional Home Inspection Service was started in 1988 to serve the needs of home buyers and sellers in the Binghamton area. In 1992, Professional Home Inspection Service switched from a contracting business to a sole focus on real estate inspection and testing.
The not-for-profit American Society of Home Inspectors was created in 1976 to establish and advocate high standards of practice and a strict code of ethics for inspectors across the country. Through ASHI's continued efforts, ASHI's Standards of Practice-covering all of a home's major systems-are now part of most state home inspection regulations and are recognized by consumers as the authoritative standard for professional home inspection.
Our inspectors are certified members of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI). ASHI is the leading professional organization of home inspectors in the United States and Canada. ASHI has met the rigorous requirements of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) as a certifying body. ASHI offers the only third-party approved home inspector certification program in the country. In order to become a certified member an inspector must complete at least 250 fee paid inspections, pass a rigorous entrance examination series, and have reports reviewed by the organization to see that they meet the Standards of Practice. A strict program of continuing education credits are required to maintain membership. Make sure your home inspector is a member of ASHI.
As a way of raising the bar for home inspections, we founded the Southern Tier Association of Home Inspectors and were instrumental in the founding of the New York State Association of Home Inspectors. We remain active in these organizations to help ensure high quality home inspections in our area and across the state.
Every home inspector must be licensed to practice in New York State. Make sure that any home inspector you hire is licensed and is certified to perform the services he or she offers.
- Members, American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI)
- Members, Central New York Chapter ASHI
New York State Association of Home Inspectors - Members, Southern Tier Association of Home Inspectors
- Members, American Association of Radon Scientists & Technologists
- Members, New York State Commercial Association of REALTORS
- Affiliate Members, Greater Binghamton Association of Realtors
- NYS Certified Environmental Laboratory #11795, testing Radon in Air
Professional Home Inspection Service and its inspectors are committed to the highest ethical standards. Keith Oberg served on the ASHI Code of Ethics Committee for several years during the development of the present Code and chaired the committee, developing responses to questions of interpretation, during its initial period.
On October 27, 2010 rules and regulations were finally promulgated by the Department of State under the NYS Home Inspection Professional License Law. These regulations include a Code of Ethics and the NYS Home Inspection Standards of Practice. All home inspectors in New York State must comply with this Code and Standards of Practice. The Code is in general conformance with industry standards and is intended to protect the consumer from fraudulent activities. Our home inspectors adhere to this Code, as well as the Code of Ethics of the American Society of Home Inspectors. But we believe that it is our strong personal commitment to the highest ethical standards that is your greatest assurance of top quality service. NYS Code of Ethics
The NYS Standards of Practice dictate the minimum services that must be included in a professional home inspection, and also indicate what services are not required to be included. Specifically, the Standards dictate what systems and components in the home must be inspected and reported, or may be omitted from the inspection. Our home inspections are performed in compliance with these Standards as well as the Standards of Practice of the American Society of Home Inspectors. But we believe that it is our years of experience and commitment to continuing education and training, as well as our comprehensive inspection and reporting system, that is your greatest assurance of top quality service.
To avoid any perceived conflict of interest we do not do any repair work arising from a real estate inspection.
We offer Veterans discounts of 15% on any of our services.